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VV Marshaller
Silver Supporter

Hear what Matteo Veneziani has to say when he speaks (in Italian!) to Anna, Orbx’s CEO. Matteo talks about his recent projects, how he gets started, and the challenges he faces during development. Recent airports by Matteo are:

* KSMF Sacramento International Airport for MSFS
* LIEO Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport for MSFS
* KBUR Hollywood Burbank Airport for MSFS and P3D

Doveva fare Treviso e Congonhas, annunciati nel 2021. Totalmente persi per strada, mah.


Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
Aerosoft A330 Update


Systems and Instruments

ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring)
The ECAM system has undergone rigorous improvements to enhance both its logic and display. Issues like the high-pressure and engine valve logic on the "Bleed" page have been addressed. Additionally, a critical update was made to the APU indication on the AC electrical page to ensure accurate readings when the APU is turned off.

Flight Management Systems: MCDU and FMS
The Multifunction Control Display Unit (MCDU) and the Flight Management System (FMS) have seen several updates, primarily focused on system stability. For example, an issue that caused the MCDU to freeze when entering a duplicate waypoint in the flight plan has been resolved. Moreover, issues with LOC B/C and RADNAV selections during arrivals have been addressed to improve navigation accuracy.

Autobrake and Ground Power Unit (GPU)
The autobrake selection logic has been enhanced for more realistic landing scenarios. The Ground Power Unit (GPU) functionality has also been updated, particularly concerning its selection on the overhead panel (OVHD).

Cockpit and Animations

Control Panels and Switches
Several improvements have been made to the cockpit's control panels and switches. For instance, the engine start selector button has been correctly mapped to external hardware. The main engine switches now also have synchronized animations to reflect the actual engine status accurately in all spawning states.

Display Issues
Various display errors on the ECAM pages and the Navigation Display (ND) have been corrected. This includes drawing errors in the PSI and fuel indications, as well as the incorrect display of airports and runways on the ND.

Audio and Environmental Effects

Rain Sounds and Weather Interactions
The audio subsystem has been overhauled to make environmental sounds more realistic. The rain sound, for example, now changes individually, enhancing the immersion during flights. Issues related to rain noise being audible from the cockpit's exterior have been addressed.

Ground Operations
Improvements regarding ground operations include fixing the animation of the tiller for more realistic ground handling. The front wheel sliding issue has also been resolved, offering a more authentic taxiing experience.

Stability and Performance

WebAssembly and System Crashes
A focus has been placed on improving system stability, particularly concerning WebAssembly and MCDU-related crashes. Measures have been taken to ensure these components run smoothly, thereby contributing to a more reliable flight simulation experience.

Future Outlook
Ongoing development efforts aim to introduce further refinements. These include primarily more autopilot functionalities. The development team continues to prioritize feedback from our team of real pilots to make the Aerosoft A330 as authentic and enjoyable as possible. If you deal with the real A330-300, please get in touch with us via!


Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
A2A Comanche Update

Version 1.3.0 Changes
  1. Fixed parking brake not engaging when brakes are somewhat worn
  2. Fixed accelerated corrosion damage when aircraft is not in use
  3. Added persistent rudder trim behavior
  4. Fixed double clicks being necessary at some stations if conducting a second walkaround
  5. Fixed overstress crash if moving camera position to external instrument view camera via keystroke
  6. Fixed TDS GTN 750Xi not initializing under certain conditions
  7. Added function to repair landing lights using the tablet
  8. Fixed bug where very low FPS could cause runaway physics and animation artefacts
  9. Added trim acceleration option to the tablet
  10. Added independent options for metric temperature and air pressure to the tablet
  11. Linked ADF timer volume to warnings volume slider in the tablet
  12. Fixed tip tank gauge not powering down when battery was switched off with right tank selected
  13. Fixed memory leak when engine analyzer page of tablet open
  14. Added support for rudder axis when auto rudder is selected in MSFS assistance options
  15. Fixed modelling of left ashtray
  16. Fixed part of rudder pedals axle being visible from the outside
  17. Mapped fuel selectors to MSFS "left main", "left aux", "2 right main", "2 right aux" key shortcuts



Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
Non sapevo che il B737 MAX dell'iFly era in sviluppo. Il post è datato a Maggio.

Hi Guys,
Sorry that we are quiet, that means that we are busy with development.
We are a very small team and have to manage time between these entertainment products and our other commercial industry work.
As we have mentioned before the MAX8/8200 is currently in development for MSFS.
This is not a "conversion" as mentioned above, P3D is fundamentally very different to MSFS and large portions have to be reworked.
We have nothing more to share with you at this point. When we get to a point that we can start showing of the aircraft and what we are doing we will do so, same as what we did with the Prepar3D version.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.


VV Marshaller

"Exciting news from the TFDi Design team, as they have set an initial release window for their highly anticipated MD-11. The MD-11 Collectors Edition, featuring both the passenger and freighter version of the aircraft as well as the limited edition Extended Range variant, is set to release sometime in October. The TFDi Design website currently lists October 16 as a target date for the aircraft.

After the release of the Collectors Edition, it will take some time for the aircraft to enter its next phase; Early Access. In the Early Access phase the aircraft will be available to a larger audience as the team fixes issues with the plane based on feedback from its users. No date for this has been set yet. The following phases of the plane are ‘Feature Complete’ and ‘Delivery’, but these just remain speculation for now ..."



Uscito il nuovo REX accuseason advanced che finalmente oltre che a cambiare il colore degli alberi cambia anche l'aspetto del terreno in base alle stagioni.. e qualche altra chicca.
Aggiornamento gratuito per chi ha già la vecchia versione
come mai di Parallel42 non è compreso nell'elenco l'utilissimo Flow Pro (tre versioni di cui una gratuita). Sostituisce la brutta e scomoda Toolbar di default di MSFS2020 che a me per esempio funziona malissimo (scompare quando serve per comparire quando non serve) e inoltre compie molte azioni in modo eccellente senza dipendere dai comandi classici e dai pulsanti che molto spesso fanno arrabbiare perchè poco o per niente reattivi. Se mi è concesso lascio il link: Molti già lo avranno, ma ho notato che non si trova nell'elenco.
Carlo da Pavia


Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
come mai di Parallel42 non è compreso nell'elenco l'utilissimo Flow Pro (tre versioni di cui una gratuita). Sostituisce la brutta e scomoda Toolbar di default di MSFS2020 che a me per esempio funziona malissimo (scompare quando serve per comparire quando non serve) e inoltre compie molte azioni in modo eccellente senza dipendere dai comandi classici e dai pulsanti che molto spesso fanno arrabbiare perchè poco o per niente reattivi. Se mi è concesso lascio il link: Molti già lo avranno, ma ho notato che non si trova nell'elenco.
Carlo da Pavia



Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
Aggiornamento Horizon Simulations B787-9

Hello Everyone,
We hope that everyone has had a good week so far, and that you’re all looking forward to the
weekend. It has been a while since we have posted and update about the project that we can safely
call the most anticipated by our community.
In every product’s development life cycle, there are certain milestones that are meant to be
celebrated and today is one of those days when we have reached a milestone with our Boeing 787-9

For the past few weeks, we’ve been hard at work on making this rendition of the Dreamliner as great
as we could, and we’re glad to announce that the Internal Alpha stage is finally over, and that as of
the 22nd September 2023 we’re moving into the Internal Beta stage of development and testing.

Before we go into further details though, lets see what has been accomplished in the Alpha stage.

As you can see from the photos, the 787-9 is looking rather stunning. We can’t put enough emphasis
on the amount of work that went into making sure that she looks like something that we can proudly
call a Horizon Simulations product.
While we do still have some work to do on this aspect of the product, the major roadblocks, and
headaches are out of the way, and now it is just a bit of tidying up that will need to be done on this

As you can see currently, she’s wearing the lovely Virgin Atlantic livery, which was done by Max. You
might also notice that the aircraft doesn’t have a completely clean “just out of the factory” look to it,
as we felt that adding small details like this would add a lot to the immersion, especially when the
product will finally land in your hangars as well and when you’ll be sharing the screenshots that you
take of your adventures on the virtual skies.
To add a bit more to the subject of liveries, our dedicated team of livery creators has been hard at
work providing a list of paints for you to all enjoy on release day and to make sure that we keep the
overall package size as small as possible, we will be releasing the aircraft and the liveries as a
separate package.

Lets touch upon this subject as well, so that no one is left out, as we’re sure that there are other
creators out there who will want to take advantage of a new product coming onto the market, to
showcase their talent in creating liveries. So with that in mind we will be releasing the paint kit
ahead of the official product release, so that you will have the opportunity to create and finalise
some liveries before the aircraft goes live.

Release date

After reading all of this you would be right to wonder, when we might plan to release this aircraft?!
Following our previous statements and standards we would rather not give a fixed release date for
the time being, as we do not wish to make the mistake of over promising, and then under delivering
on any aspect of our work. And as we’re just entering Beta a week before the public release of Sim Update 13, we want to make
sure that everything is as polished as possible before going for the complete public release.
However, in keeping with our current standards and ideas once we enter the stage where we have
solid release candidates those will first fly into the hands of the well-established streamers, and at
that same time the NDAs will be lifted from our Staff members as well to be able to post photos and
answer any questions you may have.

Please don’t ask them though about the actual release date once the NDA is lifted as they will not be
able to answer those questions.

We do hope that we have managed to make your Friday, and your weekend a bit brighter with this
announcement, and we would also like to extend a huge shoutout to the amazing people that made
this project a reality.

All the best, Horizon Simulations Team




Ultima modifica:


Silver Supporter
Aggiornamento Horizon Simulations B787-9

Hello Everyone,
We hope that everyone has had a good week so far, and that you’re all looking forward to the
weekend. It has been a while since we have posted and update about the project that we can safely
call the most anticipated by our community.
In every product’s development life cycle, there are certain milestones that are meant to be
celebrated and today is one of those days when we have reached a milestone with our Boeing 787-9

For the past few weeks, we’ve been hard at work on making this rendition of the Dreamliner as great
as we could, and we’re glad to announce that the Internal Alpha stage is finally over, and that as of
the 22nd September 2023 we’re moving into the Internal Beta stage of development and testing.

Before we go into further details though, lets see what has been accomplished in the Alpha stage.

As you can see from the photos, the 787-9 is looking rather stunning. We can’t put enough emphasis
on the amount of work that went into making sure that she looks like something that we can proudly
call a Horizon Simulations product.
While we do still have some work to do on this aspect of the product, the major roadblocks, and
headaches are out of the way, and now it is just a bit of tidying up that will need to be done on this

As you can see currently, she’s wearing the lovely Virgin Atlantic livery, which was done by Max. You
might also notice that the aircraft doesn’t have a completely clean “just out of the factory” look to it,
as we felt that adding small details like this would add a lot to the immersion, especially when the
product will finally land in your hangars as well and when you’ll be sharing the screenshots that you
take of your adventures on the virtual skies.
To add a bit more to the subject of liveries, our dedicated team of livery creators has been hard at
work providing a list of paints for you to all enjoy on release day and to make sure that we keep the
overall package size as small as possible, we will be releasing the aircraft and the liveries as a
separate package.

Lets touch upon this subject as well, so that no one is left out, as we’re sure that there are other
creators out there who will want to take advantage of a new product coming onto the market, to
showcase their talent in creating liveries. So with that in mind we will be releasing the paint kit
ahead of the official product release, so that you will have the opportunity to create and finalise
some liveries before the aircraft goes live.

Release date

After reading all of this you would be right to wonder, when we might plan to release this aircraft?!
Following our previous statements and standards we would rather not give a fixed release date for
the time being, as we do not wish to make the mistake of over promising, and then under delivering
on any aspect of our work. And as we’re just entering Beta a week before the public release of Sim Update 13, we want to make
sure that everything is as polished as possible before going for the complete public release.
However, in keeping with our current standards and ideas once we enter the stage where we have
solid release candidates those will first fly into the hands of the well-established streamers, and at
that same time the NDAs will be lifted from our Staff members as well to be able to post photos and
answer any questions you may have.

Please don’t ask them though about the actual release date once the NDA is lifted as they will not be
able to answer those questions.

We do hope that we have managed to make your Friday, and your weekend a bit brighter with this
announcement, and we would also like to extend a huge shoutout to the amazing people that made
this project a reality.

All the best, Horizon Simulations Team




Ma in sostanza è un 787 con modello, dinamiche etc etc rifatti da 0 ma con i sistemi moddati del 787 di FS ?


Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
Ma in sostanza è un 787 con modello, dinamiche etc etc rifatti da 0 ma con i sistemi moddati del 787 di FS ?

A quanto pare sarà un nuovo modello.

Will it use the default flight model?

No just like in the case of the Boeing 787-8 from Kuro, we are going to make sure that the flight model is up to the B787-9 specification, and that it is going to match the level of quality that you could expect from Horizon Simulations


Silver Supporter
Video del TFDI Md11 dove vengono mostrate le interazioni dei sistemi :

Speriamo che FS2CREW dedichi un pensierino a questo giocattolone, sto già sognando dei gran bei voli cargo!


svizzera tedesca
Rilasciato il Bell 429 Freeware (Il Link del download presente nella news non funziona perchè versione vecchia, va scaricato dal loro discord)
L`ho testato, positivo i suoni, la sincronizzazione visiva con il rotore principale, ricorda gli esordi, del 135 di HYPE, il volo lo trovo di base troppo sensibile, poco realistico, sulla destra, hanno implementato, un flght bag, come nelle versioni Hype, questo, fa buon sperare, per tools aggiuntivi, con il GPS 750, scaricabile di base si può impostare una rotta, s`interfaccia anche con il Navigraph, ecc, ci sono alcuni bug generali, la strumentazione è un po disegnata, ma comunque apprezzo l`impegno degli sviluppatori, sarà come un HYPE, credo proprio di no, ma un buon compromesso, per iniziare con il volo, con hel, anche, se vi è con tutta onestà di meglio, anche free, in generale ecc., comunque positivo, gratuito per ora.....