MSFS Lista addons FS2020/2024 (PAY/FREE)




Staff Forum
VV Marshaller

FlightSimLabs A321 - MEL, TechLog and GPS Jamming

Hanno introdotto la degradazione del segnale gps.


GAIST Global AI Ship Traffic V6


Henrik Nielsen

So after a long silence we are coming back… it is still a bit off before we will launch GAIST for MSFS 2024 - at the moment the WIP package contains around 800 ships divided on 320 unique models - still I will prepare at least another 150 unique models before launching. I first got access to MSFS 2024 today and there are still issues to resolve, but we will get there.

Worth noticing GAIST will continue a stand alone.

Second while Kai and I have been advising the MSFS 2024 team what you see in the default is all developed by Asobo, so this thread here will continue as a GAIST thread. We can not answer for Asobo and there are bugs also with the ship traffic… But I am optimistic


Hello lovely people, Mario here from MarineTraffic and FleetMon (ship tracking platforms owned by Kpler). I want to give you some technical background on how ship tracking works, why ships in the base game of MSFS 2024 sometimes drive into other ships or structures, why some ships are spinning or doing doughnuts, and discuss some other topics.

Ships Colliding with Other Objects:
MSFS receives vessel AIS data from Spire Maritime via a Spire API every 30 seconds (according to Jörg Neumann). If you look on MarineTraffic, you can see the ships do not move continuously but rather “teleport” to their next position because we do not want to assume the vessel’s behavior between data updates. To achieve continuous movement, multiple techniques can be applied, one being interpolation. When interpolation is used, it takes the speed and orientation last received for a vessel and lets it drive in the same direction until the next data update comes in. Between data updates, the real-life ship may have changed its course or stopped because of an obstacle. With interpolation, you will only know about this with the next position update.

Another technique for achieving continuous vessel movement could be by recording all vessel movements 2–3 minutes in advance and having the vessels in the sim replay the movement. So instead of live traffic, it would be delayed by a few minutes. This technique is certainly “safer” when it comes to realism.

I do not know which technique MSFS is currently using. But even the latter technique would not guarantee that a vessel in the sim would not collide with a structure due to outdated structure data (based on Photogrammetry or Open Street Map) within the sim. A structure in real life might have been removed so a real-life vessel can go there, but in the sim, that structure still exists, so you see a vessel drive right into that structure. It is important to know that the vessels in MSFS 2024 base game and the GAIST vessels do know nothing about their sourroundings and where land masses or structures are.

Vessel Spinning or Doing Doughnuts:
When observing ships changing their orientation quickly and erratically, this usually happens only with stationary or almost stationary ships. While AIS transmits both heading (the direction the ship’s bow is pointing) and Course Over Ground (COG, the actual path over the ground), not all ships transmit accurate heading data at all times. Heading information comes from the ship’s compass system, which may not be integrated with the AIS transmitter or might be malfunctioning. COG is calculated based on the change in position over time. When a ship isn’t moving, even minimal positional “jitter” can cause large swings in the calculated COG. For example, a few meters’ difference over a short time interval can result in a COG that jumps from 0° to 180° or any other direction. Again, this could only be fixed by recording what ships are doing and perhaps using AI to assume which orientation is most likely to “stabilize” the orientation.

Ships in Base MSFS 2024 Having Generic Branding:
MSFS 2024 is a paid product by a big company. Like with the plane liveries, MS and Asobo need permission to use other companies’ brands in their product. This takes time and sometimes requires more budget. I do not know what the partnership between Henrik and MSFS includes, but MSFS can’t just take Henrik’s GAIST models and put them in MSFS due to licensing issues.

Henrik and I posted at almost the same time. Sorry Henrik, I didn’t mean to take your news away from you! So please guys, check out Henrik’s update. By the way, if GAIST ever released a version with live ship traffic themselves, they would also have all the problems with ship positions that the base game of MSFS 2024 has right now, unless Henrik, Kai and co. would come up with their own programming and intelligent solutions.


Staff Forum
VV Marshaller

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 has been released on 19th November 2024, at TDS Sim Software, we are very excited about this release and the wealth of new features that the simulator has to offer!

Our initial plan has been for a release of MSFS 2024 compatibility for the TDS GTNXi Pro within hours of the MSFS 2024 release, everything was prepared on our side so the transition would be as easy and simple as possible for all our users!

Unfortunately this is not the case due to a critical bug (to us) in MSFS 2024. As you may be aware, the TDS GTNXi Pro utilizes a WASM gauge for the VC integration. This bug affects the loading of WASM gauges by all TDS GTNXi Pro VC integrated add-on aircraft panel.cfg files. Something has happened inside the core simulator where the WASM gauge is not loaded from a different package (in our case the TDS package).

This bug is not just a TDS bug, but a general bug affecting all packages containing WASM gauges. We have reported this bug to Asobo and Asobo has confirmed the bug and stated that a fix is being implemented. This is a direct link to the post in the MSFS Devsupport forum outlining the bug:

We want to let all our users know that the TDS GTNXi Pro is in good hands for MSFS 2024 and we are eagerly waiting for the bug to be fixed so we can release our product.

We thank you for your understanding and patience. We will post news as soon as we have anything new.


Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
Working Title

We just wanted to thank everyone who participated in giving us feedback and reports in this first week of MSFS 2024 release. It's been amazing to watch folks use the new flight planning tools; the interest has been humbling and exciting, with tens of thousands of flight plans saved already, many terabytes of charts served, and peaks of some hundred thousand requests per minute. We're also thrilled that our architecture and infrastructure has paid off, and I have to thank all of the folks here who all put in so much work and sweat to make this all possible; I can't understate just how proud of everyone I am. Indeed, even though we haven't made any explicit announcements, not just one but six(!) updates have been deployed so far to Some update highlights include:
  • Better auto-route capability that now also selects any required departure and arrival procedures
  • Overhauled route preview with color coded flight segments
  • Better handling for approach selection, including circling approaches
  • Improvements in text-based route parsing
  • Better navaid prioritization on the map and tweaks to map styling
  • Refinements in many controls, including the chart viewer, precipitation layer control, and right click context menu nearest navaid search
  • New options: preferred chart provider and length units setting
  • A whole host of bugfixes, including fixes for saving plans with alternates, procedure previews, runway lengths, passenger weights, route pane performance, and more
Please continue to offer your feedback, we warmly welcome it and truly do appreciate everything you all do.


Staff Forum
VV Marshaller
Fenix update

This latest build is a stability and infrastructure focused one, aiming to clean things up like APPR mode crashes and such. This update is for BOTH 2020 and 2024, so install it no matter what platform you’re running.

Avionics and Systems
  • Fixed A32X systems not loading/unloading correctly
  • Fixed CAB ALT gauge not showing the correct value
  • Fixed some crashes
Art and Sound
  • 2024: fixed cockpit blend mask across AO, metalness and roughness
Installer (v1.0.141)
  • Old log files are now cleaned up when installing a new product
  • If both MS Store and Steam are installed, MS Store will be preferred (this is similar to what the logic was before)
  • Added additional logging around exe.xml
  • Fixed a crash when the user's Fenix login details were corrupt
  • Fixed exe.xml not being edited if 2020 products are updated, then 2024 installed on top of that (or vice versa)
Cerveteri (RM)
Fslabs annuncia il prezzo del 321 Ceo in uscita: 70 dollari per Iae/Cfm e anche versione sharklets inclusa. Gratis poi upgrade per il 24. Annunciano anche il 321 neo, con sconto per chi acquista prima dell'uscita di quest'ultimo, il Ceo.


Bronze Supporter
Silver Supporter
nella bassa bergamasca
Scusate, ma sono stai cancellati dei commenti dopo la segnalazione della pubblicazione di Limc ?
c'è questo 3d ;)
