MSFS Aggiornamenti da PMDG. Presto il tablet


Finalmente qualcuno di serio che segnala che al momento il nuovo sistema raffiche/turbolenza che hanno avuto la brillante idea di introdurre col SU10, è completamente sbagliato. Speriamo che risolvano anche se dubito fortemente.



[02NOV22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: New Updates Released​

Yesterday, 22:12


As detailed over the weekend, we have just released the latest series of updates for the PMDG 737 for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

This marks the tenth round of updates since the product line's initial launch back on 09MAY22, which means we are averaging a new product update for the 737 about every 18 days. Overall that is a pretty decent update rate- and we anticipate quite a few more as we are bringing new features and capabilities into the product line during testing of the 737-900 and development of the 777.

This update has some modest changes baked in, but is really focused on control law and improving the overall stability of the 737 within the MSFS environment.

One of the things that is REALLY hard to accomplish in simulation at any level is a realistic model of fluidity, pressure, stability and instability in the atmospheric model. The influence that all of these factors have on the stability of an aircraft in flight has been a holy-grail in mathematical simulation since the advent of the first flight simulators- and even the much-revered training simulators that so many of us train and retrain in each year fail to do it well enough to be convincing to a pilot with even modest experience.

One of the things we take great pride in at PMDG is our ability to adapt our work so that it yields accurate results within the simulated environment. This is not a simple task and takes many iterations of change, lots of testing and heaping portions of patience- especially in a simulation platform that is changing even as we work. What we have focused on during the past few months is to improve the core capability of our MSFS product line to allow the airplane's control law logic to manage atmospheric instability gracefully without making itself obvious to the user. Most sim pilots are completely unaware that their PMDG products for the past 17 years have been "fly-by-software" with a very complicated computational process leveraging the capabilities of the simulator in order to yield appropriate results.

This core logic required a huge update to deal with the far-more-dynamic environment of MSFS when compared, say, to P3D. It has taken some time- but we have made significant progress with it lately- and this update brings us much closer to where we want the package to be.

The MSFS environment modeling is excellent in very many regards- but it also provides some levels of mathematical instability that would be truly terrifying if you hit them in real life. We have adapted the 737 to manage these moments so that they are not disruptive to the flying experience and still yield a realistic result. This required a comprehensive re-study of the control logic used in the actual airplane, with adaptation for extremes. It has been a fantastic exercise and we think you will notice the results right away as improved stability in roll, pitch and now also in the thrust channel.

That isn't to say you can't find scenarios in the environment that won't cause some instability for the airplane- but it is capable of flying through them and returning the airplane properly to stability without excessive distortion provided that the unrealistic disturbances are momentary and not continuous. (We fond some spots where it is possible to see the airplane go from -0.3 to +1.5g in the span of milliseconds- which if you experienced in real life would convince you that perhaps travel by train is a much saner option for soft, plump humans.

One of the nice aspects of this work is that it is entirely dynamic, so changes to the MSFS atmosphere shouldn't upend the system, theoretically. (Although: we haven't seen how thermals are being implemented yet... they are due out next week? We shall see...)

In other fixes we included a few sweep-up details, but we are mostly focused on the 900 and tablet implementation. The tablet goes into testing this week, and the 900 probably a week from Friday...

Stay tuned here for more information. Things are progressing nicely- and we very much appreciate your participation in the community!

One note of caution: We are all watching the SU11 timeline, and we are comfortable that the 737 is compatible with the beta version we are currently testing. By "compatible" we mean that it runs normally and behaves as expected. The SU11 SDK is not yet capable of exporting a C++/WASM project and we are eagerly awaiting the next SDK update so that we can look at fixing/updating some of the behaviors reported to be unlocked per the SU11 SDK. (active pause, for example...) We are all standing by to dive into any emergency fixes that might appear once the final SU11 lands- if necessary.

PMDG 737-600/700/800 Update to 3.00.0044
0011898: [Systems - Hydraulic] EDP Low Pressure lights come on to late in start (rsrandazzo)
0012029: [AFDS - Pitch Modes] Level change down : provision for FS atmoshpere "bursts" pumping pitch up/down (emvaos)
0012002: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] VC Clipping and assorted finds (vscimone)
0010744: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Wrapping ETA and time differences around 0000z (emvaos)
0012006: [FMS/AFDS - VNAV] CRZ phase revival even within geometric descent (emvaos)
0011655: [AFDS - Thrust Modes] Provisions and refinement of A/T speed mode in SU10+ turbulence (emvaos)
0010628: [AFDS - Thrust Modes] New AT SPD mode system (emvaos)
0012005: [External Model - Geometry] Cabin lighting tone down needed after SU10? (jbrown)
0011992: [External Model - Geometry] Pilots not shown on extenral view (jbrown)
0011993: [AFDS - Pitch Modes] Oscilattions when using V/S for descent. (emvaos)
0011996: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Small fap on the ceiling of VC, (vscimone)
0011976: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] VC Vertices cleanup (vscimone)
additiona: provisions for stability with known SU11 changes.


Sotto quale aspetto? Non dirmi gli fps, ti prego....

No per quanto riguarda le performance tutto uguale. Peggiorato negli aspetti menzionati dal changelog: la VNAV ora è estremamente aggressiva specialmente in discesa e in generale la transizione tra le modalità verticali dell'autopilota è molto aggressiva. Pur non essendo perfetta prima, la preferivo nettamente.


Silver Supporter
No per quanto riguarda le performance tutto uguale. Peggiorato negli aspetti menzionati dal changelog: la VNAV ora è estremamente aggressiva specialmente in discesa e in generale la transizione tra le modalità verticali dell'autopilota è molto aggressiva. Pur non essendo perfetta prima, la preferivo nettamente.
Cosa intendi per più aggressiva? Forse più sensibile?


Cosa intendi per più aggressiva? Forse più sensibile?

Prima ad esempio l'intercetto del profilo di discesa dal TOD usando la VNAV era estremamente smooth, come avviene sull'aereo vero. Ora butta giù il muso senza senso. Uguale per l'intercetto del glide di un ILS o di un profilo per una RNP, non è più in grado di mantenere una v/s costante, continua su e giù in maniera molto più vistosa rispetto a prima. Tutto questo con l'ATHR che, in certe condizioni, non è in grado di mantenere la speed selezionata.


buongiorno, questa mattina ho scaricato un aggiornamento per 737 e un aggiornamento per update italy : cortesemente qualcuno mi sa dire di che si tratta ?:unsure: grazie e buon volo.